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School districts and school board members

Table of Contents
Gender composition of school boards
School board size and organization by state
See also
School board elections portal
Conflicts in school board elections
School board recalls
Hall Pass

August 24, 2022

There are more than 13,000 K-12 public school districts in the United States. The school boards setting policy for those districts have more than 82,423 members. Due to the number of districts, the involvement of several layers of governments with overlapping jurisdictions, and limited data on small and rural schools, comprehensive information on school districts and the school board members who oversee them has, in the past, proven difficult to find. This article combines original research on public school districts in the country with research from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) to provide an objective, comprehensive view of the people who serve on America's local school boards.

This article answers the following questions:

  • How many districts are there per state?
  • How many school board members does each district have?
  • What percentage of school board members are female? Male?
  • How are they elected? Who is elected?

The landscape of school districts is constantly in flux as new districts are created and existing districts are merged or eliminated over time. Information is accurate as of the start of the 2022-2023 school year. You can read more about this report's methodology here.

The article begins with a look at the gender composition of school boards, and then moves into a detailed state-by-state breakdown of school board size and organization.


  • There are 82,423 school board members and 13,194 school districts.[1]
  • Nationwide, 52.15% of school board members are male, while 43.29% are female. We were unable to find gender information on the remaining school board members.
  • The number of elected school board members per state ranges from nine in Hawaii to 6,994 in Texas.
  • The average number of school board members per district ranges from 3.45 in West Virginia to 9.97 in Connecticut.
  • Seventy-one percent of school board members are elected to at-large seats. The remainder represent individual districts.
  • Gender composition of school boards

    According to the U.S. Census Bureau, women made up approximately 50.1% of the total U.S. population in 2019, while men made up approximately 48.9% of the population.[2] How closely does the representation of women and men on school boards match the gender breakdown of the country as a whole?

    Of the 82,423 school board members we researched, we classified 52.15% as male and 43.29% as female. We were unable to determine the gender of about 4.5% of school board members.

    The table below shows the gender breakdown of school board members, including members whose gender we were unable to determine.

    Gender breakdown of U.S. public school board members
    State Percentage male Percentage female Could not determine
    Alabama 57.98% 41.81% 0.21%
    Alaska 38.65% 58.59% 2.76%
    Arizona 43.42% 55.77% 0.81%
    Arkansas 63.90% 34.21% 1.89%
    California 46.12% 53.49% 0.39%
    Colorado 43.92% 46.54% 9.54%
    Connecticut 41.31% 52.84% 5.85%
    Delaware 48.44% 45.31% 6.25%
    District of Columbia 44.44% 55.56% 0.00%
    Florida 38.40% 59.02% 2.58%
    Georgia 58.97% 38.93% 2.10%
    Hawaii 44.44% 55.56% 0.00%
    Idaho 50.00% 41.46% 8.54%
    Illinois 51.38% 43.46% 5.16%
    Indiana 59.50% 36.52% 3.98%
    Iowa 51.86% 40.12% 8.02%
    Kansas 53.45% 35.12% 11.43%
    Kentucky 49.77% 43.19% 7.04%
    Louisiana 58.02% 36.73% 5.25%
    Maine 35.34% 54.79% 9.87%
    Maryland 43.02% 56.98% 0.00%
    Massachusetts 43.53% 49.80% 6.67%
    Michigan 48.34% 46.65% 5.01%
    Minnesota 50.32% 44.29% 5.39%
    Mississippi 52.02% 44.26% 3.72%
    Missouri 60.05% 33.49% 6.46%
    Montana 51.11% 40.24% 8.65%
    Nebraska 60.74% 32.57% 6.69%
    Nevada 49.59% 47.93% 2.48%
    New Hampshire 44.38% 50.94% 4.68%
    New Jersey 42.89% 52.39% 4.72%
    New Mexico 52.43% 40.49% 7.09%
    New York 48.24% 49.31% 2.45%
    North Carolina 51.93% 45.10% 2.96%
    North Dakota 51.26% 38.99% 9.75%
    Ohio 56.57% 41.64% 1.79%
    Oklahoma 63.65% 31.72% 4.63%
    Oregon 49.14% 48.02% 2.85%
    Pennsylvania 56.75% 41.56% 1.68%
    Rhode Island 44.83% 50.74% 4.43%
    South Carolina 54.30% 44.50% 1.20%
    South Dakota 53.35% 41.40% 5.24%
    Tennessee 63.57% 35.46% 0.97%
    Texas 63.34% 31.89% 4.77%
    Utah 48.07% 49.36% 2.58%
    Vermont 42.86% 49.85% 7.29%
    Virginia 44.81% 51.73% 3.46%
    Washington 46.63% 48.08% 5.29%
    West Virginia 54.26% 42.02% 3.72%
    Wisconsin 51.26% 43.50% 5.24%
    Wyoming 55.19% 40.06% 4.75%

    Arkansas has the highest percentage of male school board members—63.90%. Florida has the highest percentage of female school board members—59.02%.

    The map below shows the percentage of female school board members out of all members for which we have complete information. It does not include school board members whose gender we were unable to determine.

    School board size and organization by state

    Every state has at least one school district—and most states have more than 100. Hawaii, an outlier, has only one district. The Hawaii Department of Education oversees all the schools in the state. Aside from Hawaii, the three states with the fewest number of districts are Delaware (19), Nevada (20), and Maryland (24). The three states with the most districts are Texas (1,022), California (977), and Illinois (853).

    Hawaii and D.C. both have nine elected school board members. Aside from Hawaii and D.C., the three states with the fewest number of school board members are Nevada (123), Delaware (129), and Maryland (179). The three states with the most school board members are Texas (6,994), Illinois (5,870), and California (4,926).

    West Virginia has the fewest school board members per district (3.45), followed by New Mexico (4.23), and Montana (4.26). Connecticut has the most school board members per district (9.97), followed by Louisiana (9.26), and Pennsylvania (8.69).

    The table below shows statistics on districts and school board members by state.

    U.S. school districts and school board members by state
    State Total number of school districts Total number of board members Board members per district Percentage of at-large school board seats Percent of school districts without a URL
    Alaska 53 328 6.19 44.51% 0%
    Alabama 138 962 6.97 48.54% 0%
    Arkansas 233 1754 7.53 69.44% 3%
    Arizona 261 1143 4.38 99.30% 0%
    California 977 4926 5.04 67.68% 0.41%
    Colorado 178 964 5.42 73.96% 0%
    Connecticut 169 1685 9.97 86.82% 0%
    District of Columbia 1 9 9.00 11.11% 0%
    Delaware 19 129 6.79 68.22% 0%
    Florida 69 389 5.64 4.11% 1.45%
    Georgia 180 1051 5.84 32.35% 0%
    Hawaii 1 9 9.00 0.00% 0%
    Iowa 328 1869 5.70 75.60% 0%
    Idaho 117 569 4.86 5.45% 0%
    Illinois 853 5870 6.88 96.66% 0.82%
    Indiana 291 1637 5.63 64.14% 0%
    Kansas 287 2053 7.15 70.24% 0%
    Kentucky 171 1066 6.23 33.30% 0%
    Louisiana 72 667 9.26 1.65% 0%
    Massachusetts 316 2289 7.24 61.69% 0%
    Maryland 24 179 7.46 37.43% 0%
    Maine 192 1416 7.38 38.77% 0%
    Michigan 539 3690 6.85 99.11% 0%
    Minnesota 331 2165 6.54 95.52% 0.30%
    Missouri 518 3453 6.67 98.55% 0.19%
    Mississippi 137 628 4.58 60.99% 0%
    Montana 302 1287 4.26 90.99% 20.20%
    North Carolina 120 777 6.48 54.05% 0%
    North Dakota 179 961 5.37 84.50% 1.12%
    Nebraska 244 1408 5.77 96.45% 0%
    New Hampshire 162 862 5.32 79.47% 0%
    New Jersey 546 4424 8.10 92.38% 0%
    New Mexico 129 546 4.23 76.01% 3.88%
    Nevada 20 123 6.15 40.65% 0%
    New York 686 4710 6.87 99.70% 0.15%
    Ohio 615 3080 5.01 89.94% 0%
    Oklahoma 512 2325 4.54 0.00% 0.39%
    Oregon 175 996 5.69 13.86% 0%
    Pennsylvania 499 4338 8.69 66.90% 0%
    Rhode Island 34 203 5.97 67.00% 0%
    South Carolina 79 588 7.44 38.27% 0%
    South Dakota 169 959 5.67 92.60% 0%
    Tennessee 141 723 5.13 28.22% 0%
    Texas 1,022 6994 6.84 51.62% 0.10%
    Utah 42 233 5.55 22.32% 0%
    Virginia 132 752 5.70 29.39% 0%
    Vermont 98 684 6.98 44.30% 4.08%
    Washington 306 1398 4.57 29.47% 0.98%
    Wisconsin 423 2583 6.11 85.68% 0%
    West Virginia 55 190 3.45 81.58% 0%
    Wyoming 49 337 6.88 90.50% 0%


    Ballotpedia compiled its list of school districts using the search tool provided by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).[3] Researchers used a mixture of the NCES website, school district websites, online research, and direct phone/email outreach to the school districts in order to locate all available data attributes for each district.

    See also

    • School Boards and School Board Elections
    • Conflicts in school board elections, 2021-2022
      • About race in education/critical race theory
      • About sex and gender in schools
    • School Boards and School Board Elections
    • School board elections, 2021
    • School board elections, 2022
    • Education statistics in the United States


    1. This includes all school board members for which we were able to find a URL for the school board, and therefore a list of current members
    2. United States Census Bureau, "American Community Survey," accessed August 16, 2022
    3. In this tool, Ballotpedia set a minimum limit of 1 school and searched for any districts in the regular, component, regional, and state types. This list was then manually trimmed to exclude districts that were defunct, private, charters, or lacking their own school board.